Its 1:45 am. I’ve been awake for 45 min. I’m hungry but don’t want to eat. I’m fat, I’ll wake up my husband making noise heating up or cooking something, but I’m hungry

I’ve already surfed the web & I’m not tired, I’m hungry

I worry a-lot about my kids. Theres a winter storm that will impact 2 of my kids. The oldest lives on an island outside Italy, he is so restless moving from one place to another w his wife & 2 children. The winter storm won’t affect him but his restlessness will. I wish he’d find a place, settle down & just live, at least until the kids are off for college

My youngest just got married yesterday to a wonderful Thai women, I wish them the best

My daughter lives with her Maine Coon cats w her husband & appears happy & content. I hope so

My husband-what can I say. He’s been my right side since day 1, 50 yrs of marriage. We’ve had our ups & downs but what marriage doesn’t

I have severe Stage 4 COPD. He’s been my rock. Without him I wouldn’t be writing this
Our strong belief in God, Jesus Christ our Savior has been the guiding compass in our lives Without Him we have & are nothing

It is now 2:10. I’m not tired I’m fat. I’m going to eat something

I did get up & had some sweet pkts of oatmeal. It filled the void. Went back to sleep but woke up every couple hours for an unknown reasons

It is 6:45 am & I’m up for the day

I’m still fat & tired 😥

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