3 T white distilled vinegar

2 T fresh lemon juice

7 cups whole milk (not ultra pasteurized)

1 c heavy cream (not ultra pasteurized)

Kosher salt

Can add 1 T sugar, honey, cracked black pepper, fruit preserves, fresh or dried fruit, crackers or fresh bread or use in lasagna

You’ll need an instant read thermometer, cheesecloth (don’t use cloth if it’s not cheesecloth)

Run a double layer of warm, squeezed  cheesecloth over a colander & set it in the sink

Combine vinegar, lemon juice in a small bowl

Bring the milk and cream to 190 degrees F, over medium-low heat, in a medium heavy-bottomed saucepan, stirring frequently to keep the milk mixture from scorching on the bottom

Add half of the vinegar mixture and 1 tablespoon salt and stir for 10 seconds (you’ll see the milk mixture begin to slightly curdle)

Remove from the heat, cover the saucepan with a lid and let sit for 20 minutes

Remove the lid and you’ll see that the milk mixture has separated into small curds

Now stir in the remaining vinegar mixture and the milk mixture will continue to curdle

Stir for a few minutes

Pour this entire mixture into the prepared colander in the sink

Let drain until the desired texture, about 15 minutes for soft ricotta, 20 minutes for firm and creamy and 30 minutes for firm and slightly dry

For soft ricotta, serve warm or chilled in a small decorative bowl

For firm ricotta, gather the excess cheesecloth and shape the ricotta into a ball or disc and refrigerate until chilled, at least 1 hour

Doubled recipe is approx 2 cups cheese

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