Not a good start for year 2022. I went in the hospital in January & again in February for COPD exacerbation. I’m still on 2 1/2 – 3 liters of oxygen 24/7 but take it off now & then to give myself a break.  Sometimes it lasts for 20 min or up to 3 hours without the oxygen. I have no idea of the differences in time to use it continuously. I’m on a lot of daily medications.  Who needs to eat!!!

What keeps me going?  Reminiscing.  I have lead a long, fulfilled life so far.  I had 4 children, all grown & on their own, except for one who is deceased. I have my beautiful, thoughtful, caring & giving husband by my side everyday so far.  He has his issues, doesn’t complain too much, seems to put me first.

My thoughts are of my husband & my children.  When I look back over the years each one brings many smiles to me at various stages of their lives, especially when they’re trying to communicate, in their own language.  They just crack me up!  They’re too numerous to write about.

As a mother I was fluent in understanding “baby” language.  Each one was special & still are to this day.  The only thing I miss the most was my oldest having 2 children that we, as grandparents, weren’t part of their lives.  Oh sure, we can see them on FaceTime but I am from a different era.  It’s not the same as physical.  I don’t know the reason why he chose to live so far away & not letting us be in their lives from birth.  I know my parents were a big help & were there for us when we had children.  I thought it would be the same for my children.

We celebrated our 50th wedding anniversary January 29th!  It was said “ it wouldn’t last.”  We fooled them all.

The next milestone is March 5, the big 70! The mind says young but the body says old.   Rachel & John will be here, I’m looking forward to seeing them again.  I love all my children so much, they are & will always be my life.





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