1 gallon sized resealable plastic bag (Ziplock style)

3 cups flour

1/4 cup sugar

1 packet yeast (rapid rise or regular)

1 cup warm water

1/4 cup butter, melted

1 teaspoon salt

Combine 1 cup flour, sugar, and yeast packet in a bowl. Pour into a resealable bag. Add warm water. Seal bag, pressing out air. Begin shaking and mixing the bag by hand. Set bag to rest for 10 minutes. In a bowl, combine 1 cup of flour with salt. Pour into bag along with melted butter. Seal bag again, pressing out air. Shake and mix again

Open bag and add in last cup of flour. Seal bag, and mix for final time. Pull out dough and place on a floured surface. With floured hands, knead dough for 5-10 minutes. Place dough in a greased loaf pan. Lay towel over the loaf pan and set it in a warm spot in your house. Allow the dough 30-45 minutes to rise. Bake at 375F for 25 minutes

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