BEST EVER CRUSTY BREAD (light & airy w hard crust)


1-1/2 teaspoons active dry yeast

1-3/4 cups warm water (110° to 115°)

3-1/2 cups plus 1 tablespoon all-purpose flour, divided

2 teaspoons salt

1 tablespoon cornmeal or additional flour

In a large bowl, dissolve yeast in warm water

Using a rubber spatula, stir in 3-1/2 cups flour and salt to form a soft, sticky dough

Do not knead Cover and let rise at room temperature 1 hour

Stir down dough (dough will be sticky)

Turn onto a floured surface; with floured hands pat into a 9-in. square
Fold square into thirds, forming a 9×3-in. rectangle

Fold rectangle into thirds, forming a 3-in. square

Place in a large greased bowl, turning once to grease the top

Cover and let rise at room temperature until almost doubled, about 1 hour

Punch down dough and repeat folding process

Return dough to bowl; refrigerate, covered, overnight

Grease the bottom of a disposable foil roasting pan with sides at least 4 in. high; dust pan with cornmeal

Turn dough onto a floured surface
Knead gently 6-8 times; shape into a 6-in. round loaf

Place into prepared pan; dust top with remaining 1 tablespoon flour

Cover pan and let rise at room temperature until dough expands to a 7-1/2-in.loaf, about 1-1/4 hours

Preheat oven to 500°

Using a sharp knife, make a slash (1/4 in. deep) across top of loaf

Cover pan tightly with foil

Bake on lowest oven rack 25 minutes

Reduce oven setting to 450°
Remove foil; bake bread until deep golden brown, 20-25 minutes

Remove loaf to a wire rack to cool


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